Click to download the Buff Dude's 12 Week Home & Gym Plan .PDF!
Welcome to the B.U.F.F. (Better Understanding of Food & Fitness) Dudes 12 Week Home & Gym Workout Plan.
This workout program will consist of four phases, each phase lasting three weeks for a total of 12 weeks. Throughout the four phases you’ll be working on foundational building blocks, performance and the fine-tuning of your physique. The home portion of this program will not be focusing on strength or bulk due to our limited resources - we will not be using a squat rack, cable machines or traditional bench press in order to keep this plan simple & cost effective - but will be all about muscular endurance, pushing your body to the limit mentally & physically and getting in damn good shape.
Alternatively, we’ve also included a modified routine for those who prefer to work out in a commercial gym. Using this modified routine the purchase of additional equipment won’t be necessary and you’ll be using gym staples such as the Bench Press, Squat Rack and more.
Remember, the key to get the most out of this plan and working out in general is CONSISTENCY, DEDICATION, EDUCATION and the DESIRE to get your ass out of bed or off the couch everyday to hit the weights and get B.U.F.F.
We’ve covered food, cardio, mobility, stretching & the required equipment we’ll need in order to complete the 12 Week Program. With those steps out of the way we are now ready to begin the plan itself, which will begin with Phase 1.
Here we go!
(If you need help, click on an exercise to view its tutorial video. New tutorials added each week.)
WEEKS 4-6 (PHASE 2):
We hope you enjoyed our 12 Week Home Workout Plan. By following the plan and mixing in proper eating and rest you are now one big step closer to becoming a Buff Dude or Grrrl and we congratulate you on the hard work, consistency and determination to better yourself. Having a Better Understanding of Food & Fitness isn’t easy and if it was, everyone would be doing it. You’re a rare breed and for that we single bicep salute you!
Welcome to the B.U.F.F. (Better Understanding of Food & Fitness) Dudes 12 Week Home & Gym Workout Plan.
This workout program will consist of four phases, each phase lasting three weeks for a total of 12 weeks. Throughout the four phases you’ll be working on foundational building blocks, performance and the fine-tuning of your physique. The home portion of this program will not be focusing on strength or bulk due to our limited resources - we will not be using a squat rack, cable machines or traditional bench press in order to keep this plan simple & cost effective - but will be all about muscular endurance, pushing your body to the limit mentally & physically and getting in damn good shape.
Alternatively, we’ve also included a modified routine for those who prefer to work out in a commercial gym. Using this modified routine the purchase of additional equipment won’t be necessary and you’ll be using gym staples such as the Bench Press, Squat Rack and more.
Remember, the key to get the most out of this plan and working out in general is CONSISTENCY, DEDICATION, EDUCATION and the DESIRE to get your ass out of bed or off the couch everyday to hit the weights and get B.U.F.F.
Although simplicity is one of the foundations of this plan you will need a few tools in order to properly complete it. Here is what we’ll be using over the course of the 12 Weeks:
Although simplicity is one of the foundations of this plan you will need a few tools in order to properly complete it. Here is what we’ll be using over the course of the 12 Weeks:
- Barbell (Plates Used With Barbell Will Be Determined by Lifters Personal Strength)
- 2 Pairs of Dumbbells (Light Pair, Heavy Pair - Exact Weight To Be Determined by Lifters Personal Strength)
- Resistance Bands
- Medicine Ball
- Parallette Bars
- Ab Roller Wheel
- Battle Ropes
- Bench (You can use many different options to accomplish this. For instance we use an old camping cooler)
- Weight Lifting Chain Belt
- Foam Roller
- Forearm Wrist Roller
- Jump Rope* (*not required)
- Arm Blaster

A Quick Note Before We Begin...
Exercise is inherently strenuous and potentially dangerous. Consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
Buff Dudes are not responsible for injuries or health problems incurred as a result of exercise or related advice.
Stay Safe. Stay BUFF.
We’ve covered food, cardio, mobility, stretching & the required equipment we’ll need in order to complete the 12 Week Program. With those steps out of the way we are now ready to begin the plan itself, which will begin with Phase 1.
Here we go!
We’ll be concentrating on foundational lifts and keying in on any imbalances or issues that you might have to work on before moving on into phases 2, 3 and 4. Everyone has to learn to walk before they can run and that is exactly what phase 1 is meant for. Even if you have been working out 5 days a week for several years, it is always a good idea to lower the intensity for a few weeks, increase the rest times between workouts giving your body more of a chance to recuperate and grow, almost like an active rest phase. This phase will get you into the habit of working out; in the process teaching you the basics of foundational lifting and the education to find weak points and fix them. Starting off at 3 days a week and working the entire body each day, you’ll want to focus on scheduling not only your workouts but also your eating habits that fit your personal lifestyle.
NOTE: in the Phase 1 Gym Edition you’ll be pyramiding up in weight as you decrease the reps each set. Try to reach close to failure at the end of the last rep in each set. This will push your strength limits and help you track your weight in each rep range.
We’ll be concentrating on foundational lifts and keying in on any imbalances or issues that you might have to work on before moving on into phases 2, 3 and 4. Everyone has to learn to walk before they can run and that is exactly what phase 1 is meant for. Even if you have been working out 5 days a week for several years, it is always a good idea to lower the intensity for a few weeks, increase the rest times between workouts giving your body more of a chance to recuperate and grow, almost like an active rest phase. This phase will get you into the habit of working out; in the process teaching you the basics of foundational lifting and the education to find weak points and fix them. Starting off at 3 days a week and working the entire body each day, you’ll want to focus on scheduling not only your workouts but also your eating habits that fit your personal lifestyle.
NOTE: in the Phase 1 Gym Edition you’ll be pyramiding up in weight as you decrease the reps each set. Try to reach close to failure at the end of the last rep in each set. This will push your strength limits and help you track your weight in each rep range.
WEEKS 1-3 (PHASE 1):
(If you need help, click on an exercise to view its tutorial video. New tutorials added each week.)
- Squats 5x15
- Bent Over Rows 5x15
- Bench Press 5x15
- Overhead Press 5x15
- External Rotations 3x12*
- Seated Calf Raises 3x15
- Mountain Climbers 3x30 seconds
- Planks 3x30 seconds
*Lying on side externally rotating with dumbbell
- Squats 5x15,12,10,8,6
- Bent Over Rows 5x12,10,8,6,6
- Bench Press 5x15,12,10,8,6
- Overhead Press 5x12,10,8,6,6
- External Rotations 3x12*
- Seated Calf Raises 3x15
- Mountain Climbers 3x30 seconds
- Planks 3x30 seconds
*Lying on side externally rotating with dumbbell
- Deadlift 5x15
- Alt. Arnold Press 5x15
- Alt. Front Lunge 5x10
- Pullovers 3x15
- Weighted Crunches 3x15 (feet on wall)
- Side Planks 3x30 seconds
- Deadlift 5x15,12,10,8,6
- Kneeling Landmine Press 5x15,12,10,8,8
- Alt. Arnold Press 5x12,10,8,8,6
- Alt. Front Lunge 5x10
- Pullovers 3x15
- Weighted Crunches 3x15 (feet on wall)
- Side Planks 3x30 seconds
- Front Squat 5x15
- T-Bar Row 5x15
- Dips* 5x15
- Upright Row 5x15
- Glute Bridges (weighted) 3x10
- Standing Calf Raises 3x15
- Russian Twists 3x30 (15 each side)
*If you can’t perform dips, feel free to substitute with decline bench press. Same applies for dips throughout the rest of the program.
- Front Squat 5x15,12,10,8,6
- T-Bar Row 5x12,10,8,8,6
- Dips 5x15
- Upright Row 5x15,12,10,8,8
- Glute Bridges (weighted) 3x10
- Standing Calf Raises 3x15
- Russian Twists 3x30 (15 each side)
Note: In phase 1, try to decrease your rest times as each week passes. Example: Let’s say you start out with 90 seconds rest between sets on the 1st week. Try to hit 60 seconds rest time between sets on the 2nd week, and 30 seconds rest time between sets on the 3rd week. If you want more of an advanced phase 1 (home edition), try to circuit train through the first four exercises back to back, with only a 90 second rest before starting the next round. After completing the 5 rounds of the first 4 exercises, you will then move onto the other exercises to finish up.
PHASE 2: Are you still with us? Great! In this phase you’ll now be splitting up the muscle groups into 4 days, concentrating on a major muscle group each day with more isolation exercises to enhance muscle recruitment and hypertrophy. Still focusing on main compound movements with the barbell and dumbbells but also incorporating calisthenics to increase the consumption of energy and decrease the need for equipment.
WEEKS 4-6 (PHASE 2):
- Push-ups (parallette bars) 4x15//superset//Barbell floor press 4x15*
Note: concentrate on the stretch of the chest on the push-ups, while on the floor press; focus on the squeeze at the top position.
- Under Hand Dumbbell Fly 4x12
- Parallette Dips 3x20
- Body Weight Triceps Extensions 3xfailure
- Landmine 180’s 3x20
- Abdominal Roller 3x15
*Use parallette bars to rack and un-rack barbell.
- Barbell Bench Press 4x12,10,8,6
- Under Hand Dumbbell Fly 4x12
- Dips 3x20
- Skull Crushers 3x10
- Landmine 180’s 3x20
- Abdominal Roller 3x15
- Pendlay Row 4x12
- Deadlift 4x12
- Single Arm Landmine Row 4x12
- Good Mornings 3x12
- Pull-Ups* 3xfailure
- Barbell Curls 3x10
- Zottman Curls 3xfailure
*If you can’t perform Pull Ups, feel free to substitute with Pull Downs. Same applies for Pull Ups throughout the rest of the program.
- Pendlay Row 4x12
- Deadlift 4x12,8,6,2
- Single Arm Dumbbell Row 4x12
- Good mornings 3x12
- Pull-Ups 3xfailure
- Barbell Curls 3x10
- Zottman Curls 3xfailure
- Squats 4x12//super set//Jumping Split Squats 4x20*
*20 reps total equaling 10 reps each leg.
- Glute Bridges (weighted) 4x12
- Overhead Bulgarian Squats (weighted) 4x10
- Seated Calf Raises 3x20
- Donkey Calf Raise 3x15**
**Use weight belt with chain.
- Weighted Plank 3x30 seconds
- Plyometric Sit-ups 3x20
- Squats 4x12//super set//Jumping Split Squats 4x20*
*20 reps total equaling 10 reps each leg.
- Glute Bridges (weighted) 4x12
- Overhead Bulgarian Squats (weighted) 4x10
- Lying Hamstring Curls 4x12
- Seated Calf Raises 3x20
- Donkey Calf Raise 3x15**
**Use weight belt with chain.
- Weighted Plank 3x30 seconds
- Plyometric Sit-ups 3x20
- Cuban Press 3x12 (light weight)
- Overhead Press 4x10
- Landmine Single Arm Press 4x12
- Lying Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x12
- Barbell Shrugs 4x15
- Finger Curls 3x15
- Reverse Curls 3x15
- Cuban Press 3x12 (light weight)
- Overhead Press 4x12,10,8,6
- Single Arm Dumbbell Press 4x12
- Lying Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x12
- Barbell Shrugs 4x15,12,10,8
- Finger Curls 3x15
- Reverse Curls 3x15
PHASE 3: Now that you’re progressing into your 7th week of working out consistently, you should start feeling stronger not only in your muscles but also your cardiovascular system. We call it one step closer to becoming a Buff Dude or Grrrl.
Staying consistent with your dynamic warm-ups, foam rolling and mobility work, you’ll experience less DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and also feel better in your day-to-day activities. The intensity in phase 3 will increase, as well as the days you’re lifting; increasing to 5 days a week. Rest times are low while intensity and volume is high.
- Squats 4x15//superset//Split Squat Twists 4x10(each side)
- Pistol Box Squats 3x15
- Single Leg Hip Extension 4x10//superset//Goblet Squats 4x15
- Single Leg Calf Raise 3x15
- Abdominal Roller 3x20
- Otis-ups 3x20
- Squats 4x10//superset//Split Squat Twists 4x10(each side)
- Single Leg Press 3x15 (each side)
- Single Leg Hip Extension 4x10//superset//Goblet Squats 4x15
- Single Leg Calf Raise 3x15 (each side)
- Abdominal Roller 3x20
- Otis-ups 3x20
- Commando Row 4x10 (each side)//superset//Pull-ups 4x10
- Assisted Single Arm Push-ups* 4x10 //superset//Barbell Bench 4x12
*Using med-ball.
- Incline Dumbbell Press* (wide to close) 4x15//superset//Body Weight Fly 4x10
*Using Med Ball for back support (against wall).
- Commando Row 4x10 (each side)//superset//Pull-ups 4x10
- Dumbbell Fly 4x10 //superset//Barbell Bench 4x12
- Incline Dumbbell Press (wide to close) 4x15//superset//Underhand Dumbbell Fly 4x10
- Parallette Bar Pike Press 4x10
- Alt. Seated Arnold Press 4x12//superset//Band Pull Apart 4x15
- Single Arm Reverse Fly 3x10 (each side)//superset//Band Face Pulls 3x15
- Dumbbell Shrugs 3x15//superset//Farmer Walk 3xfailure
- Reverse Crunches 3x20
- Windmill 3x15 (each side)
- Seated Dumbbell Press 4x10
- Alt. Standing Arnold Press 4x12//superset//Cable Reverse Fly 4x15
- Single Arm Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 (each side)//superset//Face Pulls 3x15
- Dumbbell Shrugs 3x15//superset//Farmer Walk 3xfailure
- Reverse Crunches 3x20
- Windmill 3x15 (each side)
- Reverse Grip Floor Press 4x15//superset//Reverse Grip Bent-over Row 4x15
- Barbell Skull Crusher 3x12//superset//Arm Blaster Barbell Curl 3x12
- Triceps Dips* (parallette bar) 3x15
*Feet on bench.
- Hammer Curls 3x12
- Standing Behind the Back Finger Curls 4x15
- Wrist Roller 3 x 2 complete rolls
- Reverse Grip Bench Press 4x12//superset//Reverse Grip Bent-over Row 4x12
- Barbell Skull Crusher 3x12//superset//Preacher Bench Barbell Curl 3x12
- Triceps Dips* 3x15
*Feet on bench.
- Hammer Curls 3x12
- Standing Behind the Back Finger Curls 4x15
- Wrist Roller 3 x 2 complete rolls
- KB Swings 4x15//super set//Manual Hamstring Curl 4x10
- Unilateral RDL 3x12 (each side)
- Weighted Donkey Calf Raise 3x15
- Standing Calf Raise 3x20*
*Toes inward 10 reps, toes outward 10 reps.
- Mountain Climber 3x30 seconds//superset//Plank 3x30 seconds
- Glute Bridges (weighted) 4x12//super set//Lying Hamstring Curl 4x10
- Unilateral RDL 3x12 (each side)
- Weighted Donkey Calf Raise 3x15
- Standing Calf Raise 3x20*
*Toes inward 10 reps, toes outward 10 reps.
- Mountain Climber 3x30 seconds//superset//Plank 3x30 seconds
PHASE 4: At this point your body should start feeling like a finely tuned machine that's ready for war. You’re the fearless leader in the battle of the weights and your body is winning. In this phase, you’ll be pulling out all the stops by incorporating the big compound movements, plyometric, calisthenics and supersets with very short rest times. In this 6 day split you’ll be hitting the major muscle groups twice a week and putting your body through a great deal of stress. The goal is that your work from phases 1-3 has prepared you for phase 4. You’ve taken on the minibosses, now it’s time for the Big Boss.
WEEKS 10-12 (PHASE 4)
- Overhead Slam 4x15//superset//Pull-ups 4x12
- Alt. Med Ball Push-ups 4x20//superset//Dumbbell Wide to Close Press 4x8 (16 total reps)
- Straight Arm Pulldowns (band) 4x20//superset//Pendlay Row 4x12
- Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
- Band Wood Chops 3x15
- Straight Arm Pull Downs 4x15//superset//Pull-ups 4x12
- Alt. Dumbbell Press 4x10 (each side)//superset//Dumbbell Wide to Close Press 4x8 (16 total reps)
- Face Pull 4x12//superset//Pendlay Row 4x12
- Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
- Band Wood Chops 3x15
- Squats 4x25
- Walking Lunges 4x20*//superset//Barbell Hack Squats 4x15
*10 steps each way
- Seated Calf Raise 3x20*
*Barbell held on thighs.
- Otis Ups 3x15
- Russian Twists 3x20 (10 reps each side)
- Squats 4x15,10,8,4
- Walking Lunges 4x20*//superset//Barbell Hack Squats 4x15
*10 steps each way
- Seated Calf Raise 3x20
- Otis Ups 3x15
- Russian Twists 3x20 (10 reps each side)
- Band Face Pulls 3x15//superset//Bent Over Front/Lateral/Reverse Raise 3x5
- Steering Wheels 3x20 (10 each side)//superset//Lateral Raise 3x15
- Rear Shrugs (barbell) 4x15
- Band External Rotations 3x12 (each side)
- Face Pulls 3x10//superset//Bent Over Front/Lateral/Reverse Raise 3x5
- Steering Wheels 3x20 (10 each side)//superset//Lateral Raise 3x15
- Rear Shrugs (barbell) 4x15
- Cable External Rotations 3x12 (each side)
- Close Grip Barbell Press 4x15//superset//Weighted Chin Ups 4x15
- Bilateral Kickbacks 3x15//superset//Plate Pinch Reverse Curl 3x15
- Wrist Roller 3x failure
*load the bar with enough weight so the muscles will fail at around 8-10 repetitions, immediately decrease the weight and perform the exercise until failure is reached again, drop the weight again and repeat for a third time until complete failure.
- Close Grip Barbell Press 4x15//superset//Weighted Chin Ups 4x15
- Bilateral Kickbacks 3x15//superset//Plate Pinch Reverse Curl 3x15
- Wrist Roller 3x failure
*load the bar with enough weight so the muscles will fail at around 8-10 repetitions, immediately decrease the weight and perform the exercise until failure is reached again, drop the weight again and repeat for a third time until complete failure.
- Dumbbell Unilateral Row 3x15//superset//Dumbbell Unilateral Press 3x15
- Double Crunch 3x15
- Oblique Crunch 3x20
- Barbell Deadlift 4x12,8,4,2
- Barbell Bench Press 4x12,8,4,2
- Dumbbell Unilateral Row 3x12//superset//Dumbbell Unilateral Press 3x12
- Double Crunch 3x15
- Oblique Crunch 3x20
- Iron Cross 4x15//superset//Dumbbell Swings 4x15
- Plyo Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10(each side)//superset//Unilateral RDL 3x10(each side)
- Farmer Squats 3x15//superset//Farmer Walks 3x1 minute
- Reverse Upright Row 3x12//superset//Plate Front Raise 3x12
- Weighted Crunch 3x10
- Lying Leg Raise w/Hip Thrust 3x15
- Leg Press 4x15,12,10,8//superset//Dumbbell Swings 4x15
- Farmer Squats 3x10//superset//Farmer Walks 3x1 minute
- Reverse Upright Row 3x12//superset//Plate Front Raise 3x12
- Weighted Crunch 3x10
- Lying Leg Raise w/Hip Thrust 3x15

This plan was designed by brothers Brandon & Hudson White, better known as the B.U.F.F. Dudes. We don’t charge for our 12 Week Plan but if you’d like to show your support feel free to grab one of our t-shirts or tank tops here or make a donation by clicking “support” on our YouTube page at
Thank you, enjoy the plan and most importantly…
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